
About the Photographer

I love photography. I first fell in love with it in 1999, when I was eight years old. As is true with most photographers, my story began with a camera. I can still recall running away from a herd of bison that got too close for comfort while I was staring through my viewfinder, patiently waiting for the shot. It was just a disposable camera, but since that moment I have been passionate about photography and the power it has to preserve moments in time. 

I believe that people work harder when they are doing what they love, and I am fortunate to be able to pursue my passion and make photography my full-time profession. It’s not just pushing the shutter that gets me excited. I am a very technical person and I take great joy in finding creative solutions to visual problems. Manipulating a scene through the use of angle, color, light, and composition is what keeps photography interesting. No one job is the same, and the diversity of the people I meet and the subjects I shoot never gets old. 

Growing up in Marin County, I have gained an appreciation for architectural design and real estate, and with that, an understanding that even though a home cannot talk, it can tell a story. My degree in Communication from Santa Clara University has taught me the power of storytelling. Collaborating with architects, interior designers, real estate agents, and construction companies, my goal is to use photography as a medium to to help clients express their vision.

When I am not photographing architecture, I spend my time in nature, exploring new places and photographing unseen landscapes. We all need balance in our lives, and nothing beats hiking through a grove of coastal redwoods on a misty morning to refresh the body and reset the mind.